Welcome to the homepage
of the Köhler family
Batzenhofen (Bavaria, Germany)
heraldic symbol of the Koehler family of Batzenhofen (self made, not registred)
last update: Jan. 2018
schmutter attenborough asimov ditfurth feynman krafft lederman reeves sagan vandenberg oil explosion sautens lf8 pc factory sales mainboard motherboard witch hag witch-hunt inquisition spee charcoal toccata ministrant music brass band gospel choir bavaria germany salvation martin koehler köhler
Familie Köhler, Frankenstr. 10, 86368 Batzenhofen, Bavaria, GERMANY     E-Mail

    Here you get information
button Batzenhofen  about our home town
button fire brigade  our "Freiwillige Feuerwehr"
button koehler as a job  making charcoal
button Koehler family  about the four Köhlers
button map Batzenhofen  how you come to Batzenhofen,
button recommended links  some links that may be interesting
button table of time 1875 - 2000  about the last 125 years
button index  anything else(e.g. videos)
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