Music Association   B a t z e n h o f e n

Batzenhofen Music Association

Here we are. The third one from the right side - that's me.

Young musical talents found in the "Blaskapelle Batzenhofen" (Batzenhofen Brass Band) - founded November 15th 1956 - always a rich field of activity. On September 6th 1959 today's "Musikverein" (music association) emerged from this early union of musicians. The foundation has accompanied the village of Batzenhofen musically for decades and is member of the "Schwäbischer Musikverband" (Swabian music federation). After an alternation in generations the association during the last years had formed anew; traditional values are cultivated further.

Contact: Barbara Lorenz, Alemannenstr. 5, 86368 Batzenhofen, phone +49 8230 2558

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